Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Math nerds of the world, today is OUR holiday! Go out, celebrate, and have a slice of pie (don't forget to calculate the circumference of the whole pie based on the arc length of your slice!). Have contests to see who knows the most digits. Read Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander. Sing your favorite pi carols or pi rap. Live it up!

For my fellow teachers, this is a great site chocked full of ideas for teaching pi. If you don't have anything neat planned this year, start work to have a school wide celebration for next year.

Thank you for the teachers who already bask in the wonder of pi and make it fun for their students (especially those in Minnesota!).

Happy Pi Day, one and all!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

You know you're from Minnesota when...

Today was an absolutely gorgeous March day in Minnesota! To celebrate, I wore sandals and a light jacket to work this morning. I listened to Disc Two of Songs from the Street: 35 Years of Music (a compilation which I highly recommend) and had cold air blowing in my car.

The high was a balmy 49 degrees. Thank you, Lord, for sending some sunshine and reminding everyone that us folk from Minnesota are a might bit strange!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hello! Welcome to the randomness of my brain. My sister wanted me to create a blog to put my random, yet on occasion - witty, thoughts to world.

A little about me...As you can tell from the title (at least I hope!), I am a math nerd. Taking three semesters of calculus doesn't ensure geekdom; it's the abstract algebra that does it to you! I will be a year out of college in May and am looking for my first teaching job. I like to read, go to movies, needlepoint, color graph paper designs, and play percussion for my church's services. [Hint: you might hear about them in future.]

So once again, I give you the warmest welcome. Happy reading!